ASTM B575 Alloy B4 Diamond Plate, Manufacturer Of ASTM B575 Hastelloy B4 Diamond Plate, UNS N10629 Hastelloy Half Hard Diamond Plate, Hastelloy 2B Soft Diamond Plates, Standard Size Hastelloy B4 Polished Diamond Plates.

Stockist of Hastelloy UNS N10629 Cold Rolled Diamond Plates, Monel DIN 2.4600 Diamond Plates, Global Supplier & Exporter of Hastelloy Plates.

Metal Ministry Inc. supplies, trades and manufactures an extensive variety of Hastelloy B4 Diamond Sheets & Plates to the well – regarded customers. These Hastelloy B4 Diamond Sheets & Plates also has some exceptional features to offer such as fine finish, precise in dimensions, rough construction, and so on.

These Sheets & Plates are provided by us in a number of specifications at market prominent rates. To make these Hastelloy B4 Diamond Sheets & Plates, we ensure to give that in outstanding quality material that is made from trusted experts. Metal Ministry Inc. offer these products in different grades. Meanwhile, these Hastelloy B4 Diamond Sheets & Plates are also being offered in different sizes and shapes to our customers, while we also offer the same at best prices.

Specification of Hastelloy B4 Diamond Plates & Plates

Standard ASTM B575 & ASME SB575
Grade Hastelloy B4 (UNS No. N10629)
Size15NB to 150NB IN
Finish 2B, 2D, BA, NO.1, NO.4, NO.8, 8K, mirror, checkered, embossed, hair line, sand blast, Brush, etching, etc
Form Coils, Foils, Rolls, Plain Plate, Shim Plate, Diamond Plate, Half Hard Diamond Plate, Strip, Flats, Blank (Circle), Ring (Flange)
End Hot rolled plate (HR), Cold rolled sheet (CR), 2B, 2D, BA NO(8), SATIN (Met with Plastic Coated)

Technical Details of Hastelloy B4 Diamond Plates & Plates

Export Destination of Hastelloy B4 Diamond Plates & Plates

Metal Ministry Inc. are Suppliers & Exports of Hastelloy B4 Diamond Plates & Plates to Countries like Afganistan - Kabul, Albania - Tirane, Algeria - Algiers, Andorra - Andorra la Vella, Angola - Luanda, Antigua and Barbuda - Saint John's, Argentina - Buenos Aires, Armenia - Yerevan, Australia - Canberra, Austria - Vienna, Azerbaijan - Baku, The Bahamas - Nassau, Bahrain - Manama, Bangladesh - Dhaka, Barbados - Bridgetown, Belarus - Minsk, Belgium - Brussels, Belize - Belmopan, Benin - Porto-Novo, Bhutan - Thimphu, Bolivia - La Paz, Sucre, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo, Botswana - Gaborone, Brazil - Brasilia, Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan, Bulgaria - Sofia, Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou, Burundi - Bujumbura, Cambodia - Phnom Penh, Cameroon - Yaounde, Canada - Ottawa, Cape Verde - Praia, Central African Republic - Bangui Chad - N'Djamena, Chile - Santiago, China - Beijing, Colombia - Bogota, Comoros - Moroni, Congo Republic of the - Brazzaville, Congo, Democratic Republic of the - Kinshasa, Costa Rica - San Jose, Cote d'Ivoire - Yamoussoukro, Abidjan (de facto), Croatia - Zagreb, Cuba - Havana, Cyprus - Nicosia, Czech Republic – Prague, Denmark - Copenhagen, Djibouti - Djibouti, Dominica - Roseau, Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo, East Timor (Timor-Leste) - Dili, Ecuador - Quito, Egypt - Cairo, El Salvador - San Salvador, Equatorial Guinea – Malabo, Eritrea - Asmara, Estonia - Tallinn, Ethiopia - Addis Ababa, Fiji - Suva, Finland - Helsinki, France - Paris, Gabon - Libreville, The Gambia - Banjul, Georgia - Tbilisi, Germany - Berlin, Ghana - Accra, Greece - Athens, Grenada - Saint George's, Guatemala - Guatemala City, Guinea - Conakry, Guinea-Bissau - Bissau, Guyana - Georgetown, Haiti - Port-au-Prince, Honduras - Tegucigalpa, Hungary - Budapest, Iceland - Reykjavik,India - Delhi, Indonesia - Jakarta, Iran - Tehran, Iraq - Baghdad, Ireland - Dublin, Israel - Jerusalem, Italy - Rome, Jamaica - Kingston, Japan - Tokyo, Jordan - Amman, Kazakhstan - Astana, Kenya - Nairobi, Kiribati - Tarawa Atoll, Korea, North - Pyongyang, Korea, South - Seoul, Kosovo - Pristina, Kuwait - Kuwait City, Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek, Laos - Vientiane, Latvia - Riga, Lebanon - Beirut, Lesotho - Maseru, Liberia - Monrovia, Libya - Tripoli, Liechtenstein - Vaduz, Lithuania - Vilnius, Luxembourg - Luxembourg, Macedonia - Skopje, Madagascar - Antananarivo, Malawi - Lilongwe, Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur, Maldives - Male, Mali - Bamako, Malta - Valletta, Marshall Islands - Majuro, Mauritania - Nouakchott, Mauritius - Port Louis, Mexico - Mexico City, Micronesia, Federated States of - Palikir, Moldova - Chisinau, Monaco - Monaco, Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar, Montenegro - Podgorica, Morocco - Rabat, Mozambique - Maputo, Myanmar (Burma) - Rangoon (Yangon); Naypyidaw or Nay Pyi Taw, Namibia - Windhoek, Nauru, Nepal - Kathmandu, Netherlands - Amsterdam; The Hague, New Zealand - Wellington, Nicaragua - Managua, Niger - Niamey, Nigeria - Abuja, Norway - Oslo, Oman - Muscat, Pakistan - Islamabad, Palau - Melekeok, Panama - Panama City, Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby, Paraguay - Asuncion, Peru - Lima, Philippines - Manila, Poland - Warsaw, Portugal - Lisbon, Qatar - Doha, Romania - Bucharest, Russia - Moscow, Rwanda - Kigali, Saint Kitts and Nevis - Basseterre, Saint Lucia – Castries, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Kingstown, Samoa - Apia, San Marino - San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe - Sao Tome, Saudi Arabia - Riyadh, Senegal - Dakar, Serbia - Belgrade, Seychelles - Victoria, Sierra Leone - Freetown, Singapore - Singapore, Slovakia - Bratislava, Slovenia - Ljubljana, Solomon Islands - Honiara, Somalia - Mogadishu, South Africa - Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein, South Sudan - Juba, Spain - Madrid, Sri Lanka - Colombo; Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte, Sudan - Khartoum, Suriname - Paramaribo, Swaziland - Mbabane, Sweden - Stockholm, Switzerland - Bern, Syria - Damascus, Taiwan - Taipei, Tajikistan - Dushanbe, Tanzania - Dar es Salaam; Dodoma, Thailand - Bangkok, Togo - Lome, Tonga - Nuku'alofa, Trinidad and Tobago - Port-of-Spain, Tunisia - Tunis, Turkey - Ankara, Turkmenistan - Ashgabat, Tuvalu - Vaiaku village, Funafuti province, Uganda - Kampala, Ukraine - Kyiv, United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi, United Kingdom - London, United States of America - Washington D.C., Uruguay - Montevideo, Uzbekistan - Tashkent, Vanuatu - Port-Vila, Vatican City Holy See) - Vatican City, Venezuela - Caracas, Vietnam - Hanoi, Yemen - Sanaa, Zambia - Lusaka, Zimbabwe – Harare.

For any enquiries related to Hastelloy B4 Diamond Plates and Plates, kindly contact us on : | +91 22 2382 2286

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