ASTM B668 Alloy 28 Hydraulic Tube, ASME SB668 Sanicro 28 Hydraulic Tubes, Manufacturer Of ASTM B668 Sanicro 28 Hydraulic Tubing, UNS N08028 Sanicro Hydraulic Tubes.

Stockist of Sanicro UNS N08028 Hydraulic Tubes, Sanicro DIN 1.4563 Hydraulic Tubing, Global Supplier & Exporter of Sanicro Tube.

Metal Ministry Inc. is dealing as a producer, exporter, and supplier and of course stockiest of the high quality of Sanicro 28 Hydraulic Pipes and Tubes with esteem patrons at affordable rates globally.

Sanicro 28 Hydraulic Pipes and Tubes are a literally high-quality product that is mostly used in industrial applications and also they meet all the international quality of standards. They are tested and certified in the labs and after ensuring their flawlessness, they become ready to distribute among patrons. The tests like x-ray, ultrasonic light, chemical or mechanical properties and third-party inspection are applied to them.

Meanwhile, we as well offer these Sanicro 28 Hydraulic Pipes and Tubes in customized thicknesses and sizes as per the precise requirements given by our valuable customers in international quality of standards. Also, the pipes and tubes are developed using the big and effective machinery and by the well-trained experts.


Specification of Sanicro 28 Hydraulic Tubes

Pipes and Tubes Standard ASTM B668 & ASME SB668
Grade Sanicro 28 (UNS No. N08028)
Sizes 6.35 mm OD To 152 mm OD
Schedule SCH20, SCH30, SCH40, STD, SCH80, XS, SCH60, SCH80, SCH120, SCH140, SCH160, XXS
Types Hydraulic / ERW / Welded / EFW / Fabricated / CDW
Form Round Pipes/Tubes, Square Pipes/Tubes, Rectangular Pipe/Tubes, Coiled Tubes, "U" Shape, Pan Cake Coils, Hydraulic Tubes
End Plain End, Beveled End, Threaded

Technical Details of Sanicro 28 Hydraulic Tubes

Export Destination of Sanicro 28 Hydraulic Tubes

Metal Ministry Inc. are Suppliers & Exports of Sanicro 28 Hydraulic Tubes to Countries like Afganistan - Kabul, Albania - Tirane, Algeria - Algiers, Andorra - Andorra la Vella, Angola - Luanda, Antigua and Barbuda - Saint John's, Argentina - Buenos Aires, Armenia - Yerevan, Australia - Canberra, Austria - Vienna, Azerbaijan - Baku, The Bahamas - Nassau, Bahrain - Manama, Bangladesh - Dhaka, Barbados - Bridgetown, Belarus - Minsk, Belgium - Brussels, Belize - Belmopan, Benin - Porto-Novo, Bhutan - Thimphu, Bolivia - La Paz, Sucre, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo, Botswana - Gaborone, Brazil - Brasilia, Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan, Bulgaria - Sofia, Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou, Burundi - Bujumbura, Cambodia - Phnom Penh, Cameroon - Yaounde, Canada - Ottawa, Cape Verde - Praia, Central African Republic - Bangui Chad - N'Djamena, Chile - Santiago, China - Beijing, Colombia - Bogota, Comoros - Moroni, Congo Republic of the - Brazzaville, Congo, Democratic Republic of the - Kinshasa, Costa Rica - San Jose, Cote d'Ivoire - Yamoussoukro, Abidjan (de facto), Croatia - Zagreb, Cuba - Havana, Cyprus - Nicosia, Czech Republic – Prague, Denmark - Copenhagen, Djibouti - Djibouti, Dominica - Roseau, Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo, East Timor (Timor-Leste) - Dili, Ecuador - Quito, Egypt - Cairo, El Salvador - San Salvador, Equatorial Guinea – Malabo, Eritrea - Asmara, Estonia - Tallinn, Ethiopia - Addis Ababa, Fiji - Suva, Finland - Helsinki, France - Paris, Gabon - Libreville, The Gambia - Banjul, Georgia - Tbilisi, Germany - Berlin, Ghana - Accra, Greece - Athens, Grenada - Saint George's, Guatemala - Guatemala City, Guinea - Conakry, Guinea-Bissau - Bissau, Guyana - Georgetown, Haiti - Port-au-Prince, Honduras - Tegucigalpa, Hungary - Budapest, Iceland - Reykjavik,India - Delhi, Indonesia - Jakarta, Iran - Tehran, Iraq - Baghdad, Ireland - Dublin, Israel - Jerusalem, Italy - Rome, Jamaica - Kingston, Japan - Tokyo, Jordan - Amman, Kazakhstan - Astana, Kenya - Nairobi, Kiribati - Tarawa Atoll, Korea, North - Pyongyang, Korea, South - Seoul, Kosovo - Pristina, Kuwait - Kuwait City, Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek, Laos - Vientiane, Latvia - Riga, Lebanon - Beirut, Lesotho - Maseru, Liberia - Monrovia, Libya - Tripoli, Liechtenstein - Vaduz, Lithuania - Vilnius, Luxembourg - Luxembourg, Macedonia - Skopje, Madagascar - Antananarivo, Malawi - Lilongwe, Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur, Maldives - Male, Mali - Bamako, Malta - Valletta, Marshall Islands - Majuro, Mauritania - Nouakchott, Mauritius - Port Louis, Mexico - Mexico City, Micronesia, Federated States of - Palikir, Moldova - Chisinau, Monaco - Monaco, Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar, Montenegro - Podgorica, Morocco - Rabat, Mozambique - Maputo, Myanmar (Burma) - Rangoon (Yangon); Naypyidaw or Nay Pyi Taw, Namibia - Windhoek, Nauru, Nepal - Kathmandu, Netherlands - Amsterdam; The Hague, New Zealand - Wellington, Nicaragua - Managua, Niger - Niamey, Nigeria - Abuja, Norway - Oslo, Oman - Muscat, Pakistan - Islamabad, Palau - Melekeok, Panama - Panama City, Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby, Paraguay - Asuncion, Peru - Lima, Philippines - Manila, Poland - Warsaw, Portugal - Lisbon, Qatar - Doha, Romania - Bucharest, Russia - Moscow, Rwanda - Kigali, Saint Kitts and Nevis - Basseterre, Saint Lucia – Castries, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Kingstown, Samoa - Apia, San Marino - San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe - Sao Tome, Saudi Arabia - Riyadh, Senegal - Dakar, Serbia - Belgrade, Seychelles - Victoria, Sierra Leone - Freetown, Singapore - Singapore, Slovakia - Bratislava, Slovenia - Ljubljana, Solomon Islands - Honiara, Somalia - Mogadishu, South Africa - Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein, South Sudan - Juba, Spain - Madrid, Sri Lanka - Colombo; Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte, Sudan - Khartoum, Suriname - Paramaribo, Swaziland - Mbabane, Sweden - Stockholm, Switzerland - Bern, Syria - Damascus, Taiwan - Taipei, Tajikistan - Dushanbe, Tanzania - Dar es Salaam; Dodoma, Thailand - Bangkok, Togo - Lome, Tonga - Nuku'alofa, Trinidad and Tobago - Port-of-Spain, Tunisia - Tunis, Turkey - Ankara, Turkmenistan - Ashgabat, Tuvalu - Vaiaku village, Funafuti province, Uganda - Kampala, Ukraine - Kyiv, United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi, United Kingdom - London, United States of America - Washington D.C., Uruguay - Montevideo, Uzbekistan - Tashkent, Vanuatu - Port-Vila, Vatican City Holy See) - Vatican City, Venezuela - Caracas, Vietnam - Hanoi, Yemen - Sanaa, Zambia - Lusaka, Zimbabwe – Harare.

For any enquiries related to Sanicro 28 Hydraulic Tubes, kindly contact us on : | +91 22 2382 2286

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