At Metal Ministry Inc. Custom 455 Stainless/UNS S45500 is available in Custom 455 Stainless Wire, Custom 455 Stainless Round Bar, Custom 455 Stainless Forged Bar, Custom 455 Stainless Hex Bar, Custom 455 Stainless Flat Bar, Custom 455 Stainless Circles, Custom 455 Stainless Ring, Custom 455 Stainless Tube, Custom 455 Stainless Seamless Pipe, Custom 455 Stainless Welded / ERW Pipe, Custom 455 Stainless Sheet, Custom 455 Stainless Plate, Custom 455 Stainless Coil, Custom 455 Stainless Flanges, Custom 455 Stainless Fasteners, Custom 455 Stainless Socket Weld Fittings, Custom 455 Stainless Ferrule Fittings, Custom 455 Stainless Perforated Sheet, Custom 455 Stainless Chequered Plate, Custom 455 Stainless Shim Sheet, Custom 455 Stainless Rolls, Custom 455 Stainless Blank, Custom 455 Stainless Profile, Custom 455 Stainless Foils, Custom 455 Stainless Buttweld Fittings Like Cap, Elbow, Tee, Reducer. For all stock availability contact.

Grade US Aerospace/Military US Commercial Other
Custom 455
AMS 5578 Welded tube
AMS 5617 Gr 1 Bar
AMS 5617 Gr 2 Bar
AMS 5860 Sheet / strip / plate
ASTM A564 / ASME SB564
ASTM A693 Grade XM16
HMS 6 1093 Rev G
UNS 45500

Alloy 455 is a martensitic age hardenable stainless steel, which has properties of high strength and good corrosion resistance. Alloy 455 is relatively soft and formable in the annealed condition, however through a single-stage aging treatment alloy 455 develops an exceptionally high yield strength with good ductility and toughness.

In what forms is Custom 455 Stainless available at Metal Ministry Inc.?

Typical Chemical Composition of Custom 455 Stainless

Chemical Composition Limits
Weight% C P Si Ni Cu Cb + Ta Mn S Cr Mo Ti Fe
Alloy 455 0.05 max 0.040 max 0.50 max 7.5-9.5 1.5-2.5 0.10-0.50 0.50 max 0.030 max 11.0-12.5 0.50 max 0.80-1.4 Bal

Typical Mechanical Properties of Custom 455 Stainless

Material Condition
0.2 % Yield Strength (Mpa) Ultimate Tensile Strength (Mpa) Notch Tensile Strength % Elongation in 4D % Reduction of Area Rockwell C Hardness Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (ft-lbs)
Alloy 455 Bar 1" Section
Custom 455®
A 793 1000 1585 14 60 31 70
Alloy 455 Bar 1" Section
Custom 455®
H900 1689 1724 1792 10 45 49 9
Alloy 455 Bar 1" Section
Custom 455®
H950 1551 1620 2068 12 50 48 14
Alloy 455 Bar 1" Section
Custom 455®
H1000 1379 1448 2000 14 55 45 20
Alloy 455 Bar 1" Section
Custom 455®
H1050 1207 1310 1793 15 55 40 35

Export Destination of Custom 455 Stainless

Metal Ministry Inc. are Suppliers & Exports of Custom 455 Stainless Round Bar, Flat Bar, Rod, Tube, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Forging Stock & Wire to Countries like Afganistan - Kabul, Albania - Tirane, Algeria - Algiers, Andorra - Andorra la Vella, Angola - Luanda, Antigua and Barbuda - Saint John's, Argentina - Buenos Aires, Armenia - Yerevan, Australia - Canberra, Austria - Vienna, Azerbaijan - Baku, The Bahamas - Nassau, Bahrain - Manama, Bangladesh - Dhaka, Barbados - Bridgetown, Belarus - Minsk, Belgium - Brussels, Belize - Belmopan, Benin - Porto-Novo, Bhutan - Thimphu, Bolivia - La Paz, Sucre, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo, Botswana - Gaborone, Brazil - Brasilia, Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan, Bulgaria - Sofia, Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou, Burundi - Bujumbura, Cambodia - Phnom Penh, Cameroon - Yaounde, Canada - Ottawa, Cape Verde - Praia, Central African Republic - Bangui Chad - N'Djamena, Chile - Santiago, China - Beijing, Colombia - Bogota, Comoros - Moroni, Congo Republic of the - Brazzaville, Congo, Democratic Republic of the - Kinshasa, Costa Rica - San Jose, Cote d'Ivoire - Yamoussoukro, Abidjan (de facto), Croatia - Zagreb, Cuba - Havana, Cyprus - Nicosia, Czech Republic – Prague, Denmark - Copenhagen, Djibouti - Djibouti, Dominica - Roseau, Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo, East Timor (Timor-Leste) - Dili, Ecuador - Quito, Egypt - Cairo, El Salvador - San Salvador, Equatorial Guinea – Malabo, Eritrea - Asmara, Estonia - Tallinn, Ethiopia - Addis Ababa, Fiji - Suva, Finland - Helsinki, France - Paris, Gabon - Libreville, The Gambia - Banjul, Georgia - Tbilisi, Germany - Berlin, Ghana - Accra, Greece - Athens, Grenada - Saint George's, Guatemala - Guatemala City, Guinea - Conakry, Guinea-Bissau - Bissau, Guyana - Georgetown, Haiti - Port-au-Prince, Honduras - Tegucigalpa, Hungary - Budapest, Iceland - Reykjavik,India - Delhi, Indonesia - Jakarta, Iran - Tehran, Iraq - Baghdad, Ireland - Dublin, Israel - Jerusalem, Italy - Rome, Jamaica - Kingston, Japan - Tokyo, Jordan - Amman, Kazakhstan - Astana, Kenya - Nairobi, Kiribati - Tarawa Atoll, Korea, North - Pyongyang, Korea, South - Seoul, Kosovo - Pristina, Kuwait - Kuwait City, Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek, Laos - Vientiane, Latvia - Riga, Lebanon - Beirut, Lesotho - Maseru, Liberia - Monrovia, Libya - Tripoli, Liechtenstein - Vaduz, Lithuania - Vilnius, Luxembourg - Luxembourg, Macedonia - Skopje, Madagascar - Antananarivo, Malawi - Lilongwe, Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur, Maldives - Male, Mali - Bamako, Malta - Valletta, Marshall Islands - Majuro, Mauritania - Nouakchott, Mauritius - Port Louis, Mexico - Mexico City, Micronesia, Federated States of - Palikir, Moldova - Chisinau, Monaco - Monaco, Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar, Montenegro - Podgorica, Morocco - Rabat, Mozambique - Maputo, Myanmar (Burma) - Rangoon (Yangon); Naypyidaw or Nay Pyi Taw, Namibia - Windhoek, Nauru, Nepal - Kathmandu, Netherlands - Amsterdam; The Hague, New Zealand - Wellington, Nicaragua - Managua, Niger - Niamey, Nigeria - Abuja, Norway - Oslo, Oman - Muscat, Pakistan - Islamabad, Palau - Melekeok, Panama - Panama City, Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby, Paraguay - Asuncion, Peru - Lima, Philippines - Manila, Poland - Warsaw, Portugal - Lisbon, Qatar - Doha, Romania - Bucharest, Russia - Moscow, Rwanda - Kigali, Saint Kitts and Nevis - Basseterre, Saint Lucia – Castries, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Kingstown, Samoa - Apia, San Marino - San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe - Sao Tome, Saudi Arabia - Riyadh, Senegal - Dakar, Serbia - Belgrade, Seychelles - Victoria, Sierra Leone - Freetown, Singapore - Singapore, Slovakia - Bratislava, Slovenia - Ljubljana, Solomon Islands - Honiara, Somalia - Mogadishu, South Africa - Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein, South Sudan - Juba, Spain - Madrid, Sri Lanka - Colombo; Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte, Sudan - Khartoum, Suriname - Paramaribo, Swaziland - Mbabane, Sweden - Stockholm, Switzerland - Bern, Syria - Damascus, Taiwan - Taipei, Tajikistan - Dushanbe, Tanzania - Dar es Salaam; Dodoma, Thailand - Bangkok, Togo - Lome, Tonga - Nuku'alofa, Trinidad and Tobago - Port-of-Spain, Tunisia - Tunis, Turkey - Ankara, Turkmenistan - Ashgabat, Tuvalu - Vaiaku village, Funafuti province, Uganda - Kampala, Ukraine - Kyiv, United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi, United Kingdom - London, United States of America - Washington D.C., Uruguay - Montevideo, Uzbekistan - Tashkent, Vanuatu - Port-Vila, Vatican City Holy See) - Vatican City, Venezuela - Caracas, Vietnam - Hanoi, Yemen - Sanaa, Zambia - Lusaka, Zimbabwe – Harare.

For any enquiries related to Custom 455 Stainless Round Bar, Flat Bar, Rod, Tube, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Forging Stock & Wire, kindly contact us on : | +91 22 2382 2286

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Custom 455 Stainless Round Bar, Flat Bar, Rod, Tube, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Forging Stock & Wire
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